Thread: Back to Work
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Old 11-10-2008, 11:01 AM   #11
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Our taxes were due in September. And today Nov. 10th the 2nd installment is due. So we got ours out alot sooner than you did. But then our Auditor wasn't
running for state rep either. I'm so thankful I don't work there anymore.
But that's water over the bridge. And yes our county is Steuben. But it's more than likely not going to be much better next year. They may end up being higher.
With all our lake property up here we have alot of angry people that own a second home on the lake and they like to complain about the high taxes. We just
shake our heads. That's what they get for having a 2nd home. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Other wise we don't want to hear it. We don't have much sympathy in case you didn't notice. Sorry didn't mean to write a book.
The real measure of a woman's wealth is what she has invested in eternity. Linda aka 2tiredmom
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