Originally Posted by Gina
Judy yes I was sad McCain didn't win. But I will support Obama as President will give him chance. This ecomony is so messed up I doubt he will make a difference. The ecomony will take a long time to thrive again . Hope he does what he promised for he is a good speaker. Let's see what he does.
The economy is scary. It seems to me that it just is so bad. When I heard that GM might close, I couldn't believe it.
I went grocery shopping yesterday and it cost me $89.01! I think it would have cost about $70 a couple of years ago. I used to look for sales. I don't see many right now. Except for the 5 Healthy Choice dinner for $10.00! Not bad.
I do know that whoever won for President is going to have a very hard time fixing the economy.
I feel that I should do some volunteer work for the holidays. I feel so sorry for the families that can't afford heat, much less holiday goodies.