Thread: Concert!!!!
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Old 11-14-2008, 10:28 AM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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So last night, for the fist time in 10 years.... I SAW THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh we were SO close to the stage. SO CLOSE! And I was so excited that they could actually SEE me since last time I was clear across the stadium, 2nd last row in the upper level haha.... For a couple of songs they came down off the stage and walked around hugging people and it was such a tease because we were close but not THAT close! We would have had to jump over two rows of chairs. Anyways, we had a speaker right in front of us and they kept coming over to stand on it and sing to our side, and Brian came over and I swear pointed RIGHT AT ME and smiled and waved and my roommate and I waved back and he WINKED at us lol.... so he's married and he has a kid but he is so hot and I got butterflies in my tummy Anyways, I screamed loud and sang every song, and I barely have a voice today. I definitely wanted to stick around to try to meet them later but my roommate wanted me to drive her home I was so excited when we got home though I couldn't sleep for hours. I felt like a boy-crazy 13 year old again lol... just all my old memories flooded back! When I get home tonight I will post some pictures and I'm going to upload some videos to youtube.... I took 100 pictures and videos total! I feel like a kid again!!!!

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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