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Old 11-16-2008, 04:08 PM   #1
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God was watching over me Friday!

I went over to Jessie's house on Friday, spent the day in town with her, and was driving home on a windy country road at the speed limit, maybe a bit under. I've taken this road many times.

I took my eyes off the road to fix something on my GPS. (You can do that in NYC because the roads are all straight, although you shouldn't). My wheels ended up in the gravel on the shoulder, I couldn't stop, did a 360, and went down a hill for long enough that I thought the car might turn over.

I was terrified while it was happening, and went numb after. I couldn't get out of the mud to get back to the road. Even if I had been able to, the hill was too steep to drive up.

Along came John who had been driving behind me. He said he was surprised to see that I hadn't flipped over. He thought for sure I had landed in the woods. He went and got Henry with his tractor and they towed me out of there. What guardian angel sent them?

God was watching over me for sure. Not a scratch on me, and my car just drove away with no visible damage. I heard a noise in the car, but I still was able to drive home.

I feel like God was warning me to learn to drive these roads properly. I skidded on the gravel a few weeks ago, but stopped quickly in a field. Obviously, God felt that I needed a stronger shove and gave me one.

I am so grateful for the lesson, and will take it very seriously.

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