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Old 11-18-2008, 11:37 AM   #1
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Micah still sick...

wanted to give everyone an update on Micah, he is still sick, he still has one ear infection in his left ear, they put him on stronger antibiotic again for 10 more days, can't understand why one ear cleared up and the other didn't.
he has a bad cough, runny nose, and his two year old molars are cominig in, one is in and the other three are pretty close. mild fever yesterday 100.1. going back to the doctor's again this Friday, to check on his ear infection and i'm praying he doesn't have a respirtory infection now. ( i'll be off work Friday since they cut my hours so i'll be taking him).
Just so sick of everything, was just laying in bed last night in tears... it has to get better...
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