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Old 11-26-2008, 05:24 AM   #14
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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I'm glad to hear that she is dead set on nursing because it is such a great career and WE NEED MORE NURSES. Not only do I love being a nurse, but there are a zillion different things you can do in your career. And the educational possibilities are endless and with increased education comes increased possibilities!!! (oh and more money too!)

UT is just crazy difficult for ANYONE to get into. My daughter went to Texas State (then SWT) - she could have never gotten into UT - didn't even try. She did transfer to UT after a year of good grades at SWT, but she didnt' like it. She was in Elementary Education and SWT has a much better program. So she went back to SWT and was able to finish at their extension program in Round Rock. Oh and it only took her 7 years to graduate! But she only went part time since she (oops) had a baby during the summer between her freshman and sophmore year and then went parttime for the next 6 years.

I know things will work out for your daughter. She'll get in and get through. A BSN program is a very rigorous program, but if she is really interested in it, it will be fine, and she will love it!
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