Originally Posted by Gina
Seeee Nina I told you that it wouldn't hurt..  I hope you kept ice on it for 10 min on 10 off until you go to bed. That really helps with the swelling. Are you having denture put in? or are you doing implants? If you do dentures some dentists put it in at the same time so you do not walk around with no teeth. I had loaded implants and have temps put in the same day. It sounds awful but it really wasn't . When I had the first extractions my dentist gave me a flipper that day. I just hated it for I had to sleep with it and so on. It was a waste of money for he made me get loaded implants a month later.
Glad that is over for you. Think of your nice smile down the road.
Yep, I put ice on it. I haven't had any swelling and everything looks like it is healing well. I haven't had any pain, just soreness. I hope all my extractions go this well. It hasn't been as bad as I thought.
I am having dentures put in. Unfortunately, since this was an accident (got a tooth broken while playing with one of my yorkies), there was no time to get the dentures done. So, she xrayed my whole mouth with different instruments that put a read-out on the computer with measurements and all that. Very high tech! lol She will be able to make my dentures from that. I had a choice to let her pull them several at a time or go to an oral surgeon and get them all pulled at once. But, since I like her so well I opted to let her do it. I have never been to a dentist like her. She is just so nice and really takes the time to help you get over any fears. Fortunately, you can't really tell when I talk....just if I smile or laugh. So, I cover my mouth for that lol. She will do the rest of the top and then I'll get the top dentures. Then, she will start on the bottom.
It will all be worth it in the end!