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Old 11-28-2008, 06:30 PM   #5
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Posts: 194
We had a really good day. The weather was in the 40's and sunny all day. I had lots of things done the day before, so I didn't have alot to do. My son stayed overnight, and his girlfriend came the next day. My husband cooked breakfast for all of us, then we relaxed until closer to dinner time. My daughter, her hubby and the grandchildren came over. Dinner was good, everything turned out great and was done on time. We ate and then my kids kicked me out of the kitchen, and they did all the clean-up. While they were doing that, I sat and colored with my oldest grandchildren (4, 6) and played with the baby (4 1/12 mos.). We all played board games while we had dessert, and had a really good time. It was a fun day. I was so tired by the time everyone went home, but I really enjoyed everyone being together.
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