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Old 12-12-2008, 09:48 AM   #3
Donating 4WT Yakker
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That's great!

When I worked for the Bd of Ed., we had a zillion forms to fill out. Not being one to be bothered by work to be done, I would fill these out right there at the mailbox. I made up more numbers and statistics on those forms! Some of my answers were just outright lies, and if I couldn't think of anything, I scribbled illegibly. I NEVER got one form back!

I did that with grades too. I never figured out averages.

55 - you failed
65 - you would have failed, but I like you
75 - you don't annoy me, do some homework, take notes and occasionally might even pass a test.
85 - Good study habits, pays attention, participates, does homework, passes tests, and asks and answers questions
95 - great student - does everything right

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