Thread: GTKY Quiz #7
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Old 12-15-2008, 06:21 PM   #9
Donating 4WT 500 Club Member
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2. Sit.....up the back? Up front

3. Favorite toy when you were a kid? Barbie

4. Which is worse? Shopping for jeans........Shopping for a bikini If I wore a bikini, and I don't ...

5. Favorite season and why? Summer love not having to wear coats and sweaters

6. Do you read the ending before you finish a book? If the book is boring yes

7. Best brand of jeans? Levis , Gap

8. Island Cabana.....European Castle.....Safari Tent.....Ski Lodge European Castle

9. Favorite color combination? turquoise and brown

10. Sunset......Sunrise? sunset

11. Favorite number? Why? none

12. Color your toes are painted? not

13. Ever needed stitches? Yes...Why? When I was 14 yrs old it was NYE , my cousins and I were fooling around. I ran upstairs from being outside slammed the door so they couldn't get in , the glass shattered cut my lip and ended up in emergency getting stitches.. Yeah dumb

14. My favorite shoes are...... Boots

15. Right-handed......Left-handed.......Ambidextrous? Right

16. How many children would you like someday? Had 2

17. Tent.....Cabin? Cabin

18. What scared you as a kid? Firemen

19. For just a day, I would switch places with........... A multi millionare

20. Wake up Radio

21. Been in a talent show? Yes...What talent? nope

22. Go with the flow......Stick to a routine? Go with the flow

23. Coolest first name? none

24. Polka dots.....Stripes.....Plaid.....Plaisley? neither

25. Coolest last name? none

26. Paper.......Plastic? plastic

27. What can you draw well? Nada

28. Brownies.....Chocolate Chip Cookies? CCC

29. I will not eat..... any fish that has bones or is smelly

30. Gold.....Silver? I like both

31. Favorite hangout? My house

32. How many times have you moved in your life? 4 x

33. As a kid......stuffed animal.....blankie? none

34. Favorite thing to do on the weekend? go to dinner

35. What color is your bedroom? antique white

36. Mild.....Spicy? mild

37. What would be hard to give up? computer

38. Cutest thing your pet does? she makes these sounds like she is talking to you

39. Shower.....Bath? Shower

40. I have a problem with..... nasty people
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