I have Karlie!!!!!!
The last few days have been long and hard. Damon is with his parents after getting some prescriptions without Dae Lynn's knowledge and taking them all in two days. The last day it wasn't hard to tell that something was going on. I've never seen someone zoned out on drugs and I hope that I never do again. Dae Lynn has been staying with us.
Yesterday Damon said that Dae Lynn could go and get Karlie and take her to church and then later he said that she could keep her over night. So Karlie is here with me while Dae Lynn's at work.
We've had so many long and emotional discussions about what to do with a lot of prayer added. I think that we've somewhat come to the conclusion that they're all going to come out here and stay with us for awhile. Mostly so we can keep an eye on Damon and encourage him. We're checking into some drug rehab programs, especially Teen Challenge, which is supported by our church organization and is an excellent program.
We're in a really hard place with trying to figure out what to do but since I'm a Christian I just can't give up on Damon. I serve a God who can and does do miracles!!! I also know that none of this is going to be easy but I'm not dealing with things alone.
I don't know what my other kids and in-laws are going to say about all of this and I'm not looking forward to finding out.
We did finally get our Christmas tree up but with everything going on I think that I'm going to skip getting out anymore decorations. My mind and heart just isn't in it right now. The next few days are going to be difficult because I have to get everything finished up to get ready for Christmas. I probably won't be on much at all, but expect to see me as soon as Christmas is over!!!!!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞
You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......
After I stop laughing!!!