Slow Cooker?
I haven't had a good slow cooker in years, so hubby got me one for Christmas. It's a Calphalon with 4 heat settings and an automatic setting with a timer. For a roast, you can set it on Automatic and it is supposed to cook on high, 212 F, for 2 hours then switch to low, 192 F, for the remainder of the time you have dialed in. Then it switches to warm for up to four hours to hold the food. This sounded great, so yesterday, I set it up with a shoulder roast, cream of mushroom soup, onion soup mix, a cup of water and a cup of white wine, and went off to work a little before 8 a.m. with it set on automatic for 7 hours (2 hours on high, and 5 on low, then holding on warm). Hubby came home at a little afer 1:30 p.m. and checked on it. The liquid in the cooker was boiling and had almost boiled away. It should have been on low, well below boiling. He added more water and called me. The roast was done, so I told him to switch it to Warm to hold it until we got home from work. (According to the manual that came with the unit, I could have set a roast up this way with the timer set up to 10 hours, but did not need to do it nearly this long, so I don't think I had it set wrong.)
When we got home, all was well, the roast was hot and very tender, but he shouldn't have had to switch it to warm. This should have worked automatically. I cleaned up the slow cooker after supper and put water in it, turned it to low and it got to 180 F. Then I turned it to high, and it got just over 200 F on my digital thermometer. Tomorrow while I'm off, I'm going to experiment setting it on automatic with water in it, and check the temp periodically to see what is happening.
Does anyone else have a slow cooker that works on automatic like this? If this one doesn't work right on automatic, I'm thinking of returning it, and buying another brand. The Calphalon is a very nice looking cooker and the features are great if they work right. Just wondering what you all have.
Marilyn  If anyone would like a free Bible Study CD or book entitled "Searching for Truth", PM me with your mailing address and I'll send you one. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32
Last edited by Marilyn; 12-31-2008 at 04:50 AM.