Thread: Slow Cooker?
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Old 12-31-2008, 09:53 PM   #8
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Thank you Judy for the link to CR. We have a subscription, but hubby bought it without checking first. The one we have is not rated. The Hamilton Beach that they rate as Very Good looks nice. Hmmmmm.

Gayle, I'm still not sure what to do with this one. Hubby really likes the "look" of it and the size. I'm going to do some monitoring of it on automatic this weekend and then decide what to do. The Kitchenaid is rated by Consumer Reports as good. There are others they rate better. I do like Kitchenaid products though, and haven't been disappointed in any of them that I've bought yet.

Why can't things we buy just work??????? Especially the things manufactured by companies considered to be higher quality. Sooooo frustrating!!!

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. You are the greatest!!!
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