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Old 01-01-2009, 07:59 PM   #1
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Hubby not feeling very good

I'm not sure what is going on - but last night, just after midnight, Gary was watching TV when he stood up and said he needed his asthma inhaler because he was having trouble breathing. He said it came on very quickly. I got it for him on my way to bed. I got in bed but in a couple of minutes, he came and got me to give him a breathing treatment (for his asthma). He was really having trouble breathing. We did the treatment and it helped a little, but I listened to his lungs with my stethoscope and could hear fluid bubbling in his lungs. This is due to his heart failure - and means he needs an extra water pill - but breathing problems like this usually do not happen suddenly like this one.

Also, his blood pressure and pulse rate were high. I gave him the water pill, got him in bed, put on his oxygen, and then he was chilling - but he didn't have a fever. It was so weird!!! He turned up his electric blanket on high and had trouble getting warm. Of course, he was up every hour peeing. He also had a headache. I checked his blood pressure and pulse everytime he got up and it came down to about normal by morning.

He has felt just whipped out the whole day today, partly because he didn't sleep much, but partly I think from this "episode". He keeps saying he is just tired, but I think it's a bit more than that. He has an appointment with his heart doc next Friday - so if he doesn't get worse or have any more "episodes" we'll just wait till then to go. If not, he goes to a clinic where a nurse practitioner answers calls 24/7, so I can call and get help there if I need it.

He has done so well since being in the hospital in October - but we did a lot of running and visiting on our trip to Oklahoma - so maybe this is related to that - but for some reason, it feels different......
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