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Old 01-03-2009, 08:06 AM   #14
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Well Gals, he had another "episode" last night. Woke up at about 2:30AM, could not breathe laying down. I gave him a nebulizer treatment, but it did not help. He spent the rest of the night sitting in the recliner. He took an extra water pill and he feels better now (10:00AM). He does not want to go to the ER. He says is OK to stay home, I agree.

We will DEFINITELY be trying to get into the doctor on Monday. Something is going on with him, and I think it is related to his heart. If I hadn't been through this several times before, I would be crazy. But I know that if he gets really bad, he will say it is time to go to the ER. Thankfully, I'm off work till the 12th, so I can be here with him. Even when I am at work, I'm only 15 mins away, so I can get home quickly if needed. My daughter lives only 10 mins away and she doesn't work, so she can get to him if I can't.

Please don't worry too much (just a little is fine). I think he'll be OK till Monday and then maybe we can get some answers. If not, we'll just zip over to the hospital.
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