Thread: I'm doing it...
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Old 10-08-2006, 11:12 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Kimberley
I am SOOO sorry! Here's the update...took him to the doc. Got him physically checked out. While the doc and I are talking (for like an hour), my son could NOT sit still. After the questionaire, he gave me one to give his teacher. Doc said my son is ADHD. He is on 5 mg of Focalin once a day (in the mornings).

No difference first day. Second day, his teacher came to me and told me how wonderful he was. He was focused, did his work, no complaining that "he couldn't do it". It made me feel so good.

Then, at the soccer game yesterday (5th game he's played), he actually made not one but 2 GOALS!!! I was so proud that he was so involved in the game.

I didn't give it to him this morning and he's been more "active" so to speak. The only complaint he has is that his tummy hurts. He doesn't want to eat when he's on the meds so I have to make him put something in his tummy.

Anyway, that's the update. Thanks for asking.
Kimberley that is so great for you and your son!!! We noticed a difference in about 3 days as far as his grades and participation in class. It made me feel so good too. Isn't it amazing?

I have heard that with some of the meds it might cause them to not want to eat or just lose their appetite. My son takes Concerta for ADD and he eats all the time. I was worried though because they said he might not want to eat as much. He's was so tall and skinny, he couldn't afford not to eat, but it wasn't a problem.

Can you imagine, just by us watching what they are going through, how rough it must be for them? My son is old enough now that he can tell if he is having trouble concentrating or not.

I am just so thrilled that you and the Dr. was able to help him.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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