Friday night on NBC, I caught Dateline. It was the "To Catch a Predator" segment where they have a decoy pose as a 13 year old girl in an internet chat room and they catch grown adult men having sexually explicit conversations with her. They have the girl tell these men that she is alone and when the men actually show up at the house, they get arrested. I was completely nauseous. These men were absolutely disgusting. The things they said to this 13 year old. One man was a respected cancer doctor.

He asked the girl what her bra size was. The decoy said her breasts were small because they were still growing and he said "don't worry, I'll kiss them for you."

He was one of the ones that showed up at the house and started crying when he got arrested. The reason I am posting this is because I want to warn any of you with children to please monitor their internet exposure. These creatures are here waiting to snag our children. It is so scary. And this does not just apply to young girls. One time I saw a segment where the decoy posed as a 16 year old boy and one disgusting animal actually showed up at the house naked under his rain coat!!

So please ladies, please be careful with your children. It is so scary to think that even while your children are in your home, "safe" in their rooms, they still can be victimized.