Originally Posted by Shada
I have kinda in a way started it myself. Spent a few minutes yesterday and today on the pilates machine. Plus!!!!!!!! I am trying to quit smoking. Haven't had one since yesterday around 2:00pm. I really want to lose some weight and if I could quit smoking too.. that would be great. The smoking I decided to (not) do yesterday after hearing some bad news about my job. I have been laid off for two weeks, ok, no big deal, well found out not only will I be laid off for another 2 weeks. but my company took a dollar per hour away from us, the employee's. Along with eliminating our attendance bonus which has been in effect since company started 40 years ago.
So I need to make a few changes... Starting yesterday.. I quit smoking.
Congratulations Shada for trying to quit smoking!! I quit the August 30/31 of 2007 and haven't smoked since. I will tell you that once in awhile I still have that urge after all this time, I just go find something to do and it passes as quickly as it came on.
You won't regret it I promise. Just take one day at a time and you'll do it if you really want to bad enough. I did....I was so tired of smoking and being embarassed by it out in public. Good luck to you !!!!