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Old 10-09-2006, 10:50 AM   #12
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Kimberly - OMG! I'm so sorry this happened and I would be just as livid as you over it! Girls these days (and some guys) can be pretty mean! But the worst part of your situation is it all started from the mother, who should KNOW BETTER!!! What she has done is started something, with no basis to begin with, and has now ruined a friendship between two young girls - a friendship that might have carried them through college and into their adulthood. Maybe, just maybe, this woman will muster up enough class to call you and apologize to you for it which in turn will begin to bridge the friendship back between the two girls. But, since you've already confronted her AND she didn't deny it, I just can't see her doing the apology thing. Don't worry about it - you and your daughter are the better of the two! You both know in your hearts the truth and can live with yourselves and hold your heads high - she, on the other hand, cannot do the same!

"Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been"....Jimmy Buffett
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