Realn stores!!!
I had such fun yesterday! I had to drive downstate to Westchester to see my doctor. It's a couple of hours from here. There were malls! There were stores!
I forgot how much I love to shop. I went into the Home Store, which is a discount store for bedding, dishes, home decor, etc. They had some great prices. and some really nice things. I like to take my time and just stroll through the aisles looking at everything. I'm not a big impulse buyer, so I do it slowly. It can take me a month to find the right vase or whatever.
I bought some towels and a shower thingie that you hang over the shower head with shelves for shampoo, etc., a sheet set, and a pretty mosaic table for my computer, which I use in the living room.
It sure beats online shopping. I'm really getting tired of guessing what it will really look like.
There is a town about an hour wayay that has a lot of stores. I think I'll start heading down every few weeks.