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Old 10-10-2006, 07:48 AM   #25
4WT 500 Club Member
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Originally Posted by magnolia
I collect (or rather used to before kids) GWTW memorabilia. I started out collecting reproduction B&W prints of scenes from the movie. First original piece I purchased was a B&W still print of Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable - only 120 prints were made for magazine publication only. The biggest (and most expensive) piece I have is an original movie poster from 1954 with a deep purple background - it is my most favorite piece because it's so different.

I used to collect beanie babies but they are now bagged and boxed and put away. For a time, we collected 1/24 scale Nascar cars - something the whole family enjoyed collecting.

But now, like Nicole, I collect dust
I used to collect beanie babies, too!!!!!!! But like you, they are all boxed up. I figure they'll be worth something one day! Kinda how the original barbies are worth so much now, maybe beanie babies will be worth a lot one day.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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