Thread: Facebook
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Old 02-06-2009, 10:42 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Janet View Post
Thanks for chatting with me is all very confusing to me right now. I found some people I graduated with, but none I'd really like to correspond with...LOLOL. Oh well. Guess I'm getting a little too old for this stuff.

Lindsey...what does it mean when I search for a friend....a list of people with the same name comes up....some are listed in blue..that you can click on and others listed in black..that you can't click on...what's the deal there?
It all depends on their privacy settings. You know how you joined a network for your area? Well some people have settings so that only people in their network can see their profile. Some people have it so only friends can see their profile. So for anyone you can't click on, you'd have to request to be their friend, and they'd have to accept your request, in order for you to see everything.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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