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Old 10-11-2006, 06:47 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Janet
I do have to admit, I love the ideas shared here alot!! I just don't think I could let things go that long....LOL Things like that don't bother him....for instance, he has a four car garage that you can't get a car into. There is so much crap just all over the place that you can't walk more the 3 steps without climbing over something or tripping. I just don't go into his garage anymore. If by chance he puts something in my garage....I just take it and THROW it into his.
Janet, I promise your husband will notice if you stop cooking dinner or stop doing his laundry. Of course he doesn't care about the garage being a mess....out of sight, out of mind, remember? But he will notice something that he is used to getting everyday and one day it is just not there. Trust me on this one. You might just have to think for a second to come up with something really good, but you can do it!
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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