Originally Posted by Janet
My mother is 86 years old today. She has been having the same problems now for 2 years. Losing blood and not knowing where. They have had to add blood every two to three months and now she is in kidney failure. She had a fistula put in her arm so when the time comes (it has, but she refuses so far) she'll need to go on dialysis. She just doesn't want to do that. Says she feels fine, but by the time she feels bad...it will be too late. She won't listen.
They did all the tests on her too, but never found where she was losing blood. Hope they can help your grandfather.
Wow, this is so strange that she is having almost the exact same problems as my grandpa & no one knows why. Gayle, can blood just vaporize when you get older, or is it possible they aren't making new like they should?