Originally Posted by Janet
Haley, I do have to say that I agree with you about seeing a Dr. If you're feeling how you're posting.....it makes me sad. Your posts lately sound so angry. I hate that you're feeling this way. You were always so bubbly in your posts and well...I just don't want you to be so angry, it won't make things better. I know things are bad and bad for a lot of people. We just have to remember our blessings....truly remember them. Try at least once an hour to think of something positive and push the negative thoughts from your mind. Time goes way too fast to spend it so angry. Show Micah that there is happiness and good things in all situations. Love ya!!
I know janet and i am angry, i worked Hard jobs all my life, and everything is gone, my hopes for the future are also gone, we were looking for a bigger house to buy this summer and move back to my home town, my 401 K is gone,, my workdays have been cut, my salary is now being tapped, there not matching my 401 K anymore, just sitting here waiting to get laid off.. yes its very depressing, maybe i just shouldn' t post on here anymore, cause alot of people are very blind as to what is going on in this world. sorry about my post lately, just wanted someone to prove me wrong... but no one on here wants to talk about it.. except for maybe Marilyn... i'm just not a bubbly person anymore, filled with angry right now. I'm trying to count my blessings, trying to turn to God in this bad time. but everytime you turn around just more bad news... just sick of it...