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Old 03-07-2009, 12:58 PM   #9
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Happy Birthday Janet

Originally Posted by Janet View Post
No I didn't do anything yesterday for my birthday. Rick gave me a card...Ricky said he was saving his money for Red Lobster so he didn't get me a

I waited on my brother, Mom and best friend to call, but they didn't. My Mom called this morning and after awhile, I told her I thought she would have called yesterday....she said "well I always call on Saturday." I told her I thought she would at least call for a second and wish me a happy birthday.....she totally forgot. She felt so bad and said she must really be getting She couldn't even remember when I was born or how old I am. When I told her that I was 54 and Jerry (my brother) was going to be 61 she said there was no way she could have kids that old.....she's so funny.

Tonight Ricky wants to take me to Red Lobster, but I hate for him to spend that much money and to tell you the truth....I'm really not in the mood to go. Maybe I will a little later today, but right now...I don't know.
Wow, you sound like me. I hope you get in the mood to go to Red Lobster, if you do, split the bill with him.
You sound a little down in the dumps, but remember, WE LOVE YOU>
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