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Old 03-09-2009, 10:14 PM   #53
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I'm on there as well, and I'm hooked on Yoville.
It's a virtual world where I have an apartment, job, and a yorkie. You go to work in the Widget Factory every 6 hours to work for 5 seconds, collect your Yo coins, I'm up to 300 coins per shift. Then I go shop for furniture and goodies for my apartment.
I don't accept any of the requests I get because I'm afraid as well, but have been playing around in Yoville for over a month now and have had no problems with that application.
You'd all be surprised to see all the mutual friends we have on there...(YoVille)

If you're not on my friend list yet, feel free to add me to yours.
Kathy Carasella
A friend accepts us as we are yet helps us to be what we should.

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