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Old 03-11-2009, 09:32 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by DianaB View Post
Have you thought about moving somewhere where it's not so bad? I know that there are areas that aren't as hard hit as where you are.
Not really Diana, Mike is still doing well at his job and he's close to home (for now) plus i'm really close to my family. I don't know what's going to happen, i just have to wait and see, everyone is so secretive at work, hard to get a straight answer from anyone, and no one knows what is going to happen next month. But i don't really see any future here. the economy is so bad and its not going to get better in a month.
I can always go back to bartending, or go work for my sister if things get bad. So i'm just taking it one day at a time. i'm not going to make myself upset over it. Six of my friends are unemployed and more on the way so i'll fit right in with everyone else.
It's just going to be so weird i been working since i was like 13 years old, (babysitting, cleaning houses, cutting grass etc) went to college and right after college got a job, been working ever since, never been out of work before, when i was younger i use to work two jobs all way up till i got married. That's were i got my money to put down on my house.
I hate to depend on Mike for money i never had to depend on a man for anything in my life. It's just going to be an adjustment that i'm going to hate, but can't control until i find another job.
i been looking everyday, all i see are sales jobs, warehouse help, and construction. i'm really thinking about sending my resume to some of the construction jobs, hey they need someone to hold the stop sign right? and they get paid damn good to hold that sign. LOL
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