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Old 03-12-2009, 02:12 PM   #23
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Mandy, I told him exactly that last night. I said that I will definitely give his mom another chance... I understand she may have had misconceptions about me just because of his past girlfriends, and it was her first time meeting me and she probably feels that nobody is good enough for her son. And I can definitely prove I'm enough for him, and more But I said if she says anything rude to me, or anything I find offensive, I WILL stand up for myself, even if he doesn't. But I also told him I would expect him to stand up for me too He said he's definitely stood up to his mom before in the same situations with girlfriends. Soooo we'll see what happens. I'm going to just look past this first meeting and try to start fresh when I visit them!

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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