Thread: Prayers needed
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Old 10-12-2006, 08:03 AM   #1
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Unhappy Prayers needed

Although I am not on 4Women that often (on YT ALL the time) I am requesting prayers. I found out this morning that my 43 yr old cousin (Douglas) had a massive stroke last night. He is in Mass General Hosp in Boston...He has a wife and 4 little girls. The doctors don't give him much hope...when the doctors tried to remove the blood clot it broke apart leaving small clots through out his brain. He is unresponsive and paralyzed. My heart is breaking right now...If any of you on here have prayer chains would you please put Doug and his family on them. My Aunt and Uncle are just beside themselves with worry and heartbreak. His sister is on her way here from Calif and should arrive around 7 pm tonight..Please,please....Doug and his family could use all your prayers right now.

Thank you all
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