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Old 10-12-2006, 09:26 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Taurus Babe
Oh yeah...I only go with deep conditioners. Thanks though that is great advise. I just discovered what a big difference it make! As for cutting it...I'm trying to grow it out cause it was long and then I hacked it all off and it's at my shoulders now, finally. Although I was thinking of a trim...
A trim would definitely & have it cut into a style. I would also suggest trying a completely different routine for a while. My hair will get product shock, I have thin hair so I get product built-up. Why don't you try working with your hairs natural texture. I have naturally wavy hair & what I usually do is put this styling cream by Dove for curling hair in it. Turn my head upside down, blow dry on med. heat while scrunching. It would be something different & might get you through this weird hair stage.
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