I have missed you all!
I haven't been on in about a week! I have been really busy, and then when I go online to try to finish up shopping for the house, I've been too tired. I have missed you guys. I keep thinking of how I'll post this or that.
Anyway, I am so glad to see Gidget's babies, Dae Lynn and Damon's wedding pictures and Karlie's fairy outfit. I'm also glad to have caught up on everybody's news, even though some of it is not good news yet.
I have had the kids over, went to a watercolor painting workshop, a gallery opening, got my nails done, my car half fixed, the house cleaned, got bird feeders - it's so cool when they come to eat!, told the whacko chiropractor that I don't want to continue with the homeopathic stuff, but I do want to continue with the chiropractic stuff, etc., etc., etc.
So, I bought a very inexpensive watercolor painting bunch of stuff and will try it. I want to start taking pictures soon. Spring is coming. I can just feel it. The sun is shining almost every day now, although it did snow on Sunday.
I skipped yoga last week, and didn't make it this week. I want to get there once/week! I met so many nice people at the watercolor workshop and at the gallery opening. Next step is to get some phone numbers and start calling some of them to say hi.
I also discovered that I have to make a covered run for the dogs on my deck. I went out yesterday, and there's Max, perched on top of a little bistro table I have out there. I'm so afraid he'll jump over the wall. He's already trying. I must say though, he looked so cute sitting on top of that table, so happy and pleased with himself. Baby Annie is so cute! She's at the age where she wants to run and play and is up Max's butt 24/7. She follows him everywhere. When he goes to pee, she sticks her little nose there to see what he's doing! She is my little baby girl and I love her so much. I have to take pictures. She has the cutest little face. I want to take pictures of her before she grows up too much.
I've begun calling her Annie Leigh, which is her real name.
Steve still hasn't come to finish the work, and I am annoyed and puzzled. I better keep a lid on it though. If he doesn't show up within the month, I'm going to ask him if he really wants the job, or if I should get somebody else to do it.
Jessie has been sick at least once a week, throwing up. She's not pregnant, and the kids have had either the stomach thing or colds and coughs on and off all winter. I think it's what we used to call a "sick house." The germs just linger until Spring when you can open the windows and air the place out. She is going to the doctor next week for blood work. Maybe. She needs to find an MS specialist, but can't find one anywhere around here who takes her insurance. She feels okay, but she needs to be checked. I'm going to go onto the MS website and maybe Montel Wiliams' site. I can ask for help for her.
I have a psychic I speak to every so often. I spoke to her Monday She said that my life is perfect and will only get better. My health looks fine. Jess and Steve are good. I don't have to worry about the economy because I have enough coming in to live the way I am now. I'm really not very extravagant.
I didn't ask her about my annuity., I don't really have enough in there that it will make or break me. She did say that I will meet a man within the next few months and that he lives in my development. I hope that's true! Wouldn't that be nice.