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Old 03-28-2009, 05:10 AM   #11
Donating 4WT Yakker
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I went to a psychic once in New Hope, PA. She was well known in town. She actually told me I would live until I was 86!!!

Nobody wants to know when they are going to die. It's kind of a unwritten rule not to ever tell people that. I don't know what her story was. Bad news has to be handled very diplomatically as well.

You do have to take it all with more than a few grains of salt also. The future is really so uncertain. The past is pretty easy to read. A person's energy at the moment is also usually clear too.

I used to read my gay friend Debby's tarot cards every so often. One reading, I began to sense a lover coming into her life. I felt that she had green eyes, and whatever else. (Debby wanted a true love). We walked into a coffee house in her neighborhood, and I said to her, "There she is Deb!" She and red-haired, green-eyed Elizabeth got married, had a son, and were happy last I saw Deb.

Then I once went to Raymond - a very well known, trendy NYC psychic. It cost $40. It was a hoot! We were welcomed into his magnificent Greenwich Village duplex by his pretty boy toy and we all sat downstairs for our turn to see the Great and Powerful Oz/Raymond.

I get my turn and go upstairs where there is a large portrait of Raymond behind him. He proceeded to tell me that I had the eyes of a twice-married woman.
(He probably counted the wrinkles!). Then he told me my daughter's name, and stuff about her. I'm sitting there listening, and it occurred to me after a while, that I just gave this man $40 to tell me things I certainly already know! He did tell me some things about my separation from my second ex, which were good
for me to think about, but all in all, what a waste of money!

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