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Old 03-30-2009, 03:49 PM   #11
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Weren't you there a couple of weeks ago? Your own family sounds wonderful, and fun to visit, but the truth is that once you and Scott became a couple, you really should be creating your own family life. Visiting Mommy Dearest should occur only when it can't be avoided.

Distance is a wonderful thing when it comes to disagreeable family. It does sound like the two sons-in-law have figured out how to deal with her.
Don't go too often and keep quiet. Or don't keep quiet. I doubt if it would make any difference. She really sounds like there is something very wrong with her.

It sounds like Scott really has good intentions. He is on your side, and does not defend his mother at all. He probably is very frightened of making her angry. I would imagine that is why he doesn't stand up to her when you are there. She is quite abusive, and he may not be able to speak up for you for a long time.

Stay away from her Lindsey. She really is not normal. She won't be changing.

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