Thread: Barn Bash 2009
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Old 04-03-2009, 06:59 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by DianaB View Post
We have a small narrow valley behind our house and Glen and Jaci have made trails for the 4-wheeler to drive on. It's pretty steep going up the other side and I don't try it when it's muddy because I'm afraid that it won't make it. I love to go and ride around there once in a while. I like to "cut up" too! I love my 4-wheeler!! Did you ever see the pictures where we went and rode in the mountains? I'll try to find them and post a link. I'd only had my 4-wheeler for a couple of months!!!
Yes, I remember those pictures, like a little family convoy, I think. I'd love to see them again. We don't have house behind us and it's fairly grown up and has a pond (wetlands act) back there (probably 20 acres. Hubby cleared and mowed a little winding path and cut some dips and slants. We can even ride bikes through it. Of course, it's almost berry picking time, so the trail takes longer to get around!
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