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Old 04-10-2009, 02:03 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by gja1000 View Post
I don't doubt that one bit! I have OnStar in my car and every month I get a diagnostic report via email that tells me if I have any problems with any of the systems (brakes, transmission, cooling, etc) in my car. It tells me how much oil life I have left and how many miles were on the car when the diagnostics were run - sooooooo, there has to be a monitoring system in place to allow OnStar to run those diagnostics from a satelite!!!
My truck has OnStar, too, Gayle. I get the same report. Something isn't it!! I got a nail in a tire, and the pressure got a little lower than normal. You couldn't even tell it to look at the tire. I got a message on my dash showing it was low and which tire it was. Amazing.

They fixed the AC on the truck today. We'll see how it performs over time, since the problem was intermittent. Last night I noticed that the automatic lock was not working on the front passenger side door. I told them about that this morning, but they forgot to fix it. The actuator needs to be replaced. I have to take it back in on Monday. Oh, well, such is life. At least we are making progress.
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