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Old 05-10-2009, 04:06 PM   #8
Donating 4WT 2000 Club Member
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They definitely plan to obedience train this little guy, and are discouraging the biting. He seems like he's already getting more gentle with us. He just tries to mouth us like most puppies do, but he doesn't realize how strong his bite is. He's only 8 weeks old. Their breeder said that this is the normal age for adopting a bulldog.

He seems to be understanding when he is told "no" and may be discovering that he gets more attention when he is more gentle with us. It will take time though. We will continue to try to get him used to the yorkies, and them to him, just have to be very careful. He could really hurt Zoe without meaning to. He doesn't seem to be agressive at all, just playful.

I never thought I'd like a bulldog, but this guy is really cute and cuddly. His loose skin is so soft.
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