Thread: Judy
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Old 05-13-2009, 05:35 PM   #9
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Many tests these days are CYA (cover your a$$). You see, Judy went in complaining of fatigue - a PRIME symptom of heart issues. Every test she had checked out OK, but one last most definitive test would have almost absolutely ruled out heart issues. If Judy does manifest a heart problem in the coming months - and all the tests were negative, including the stress test - then it would be less likely that Judy (or her family, in case the worst happened) would win a lawsuit against the doctor or hospital for lack of proper medical care (testing in this case). Does that make sense? Our society is so litigious that doctors and hospitals often do lots of tests to CYA, just in case something happens later. Some tests are most certainly unnecessary for diagnosis - but necessary for CYA. Some hospitals/doctors order tests to make money, but most do it to diagnose illness or CYA.

Now, as the wife of someone who has had AND NEEDED a multitude of tests, I'm very grateful they are available, that they've been ordered, and that they've shown what is wrong with Gary so the doctors could prescribe the appropriate treatments/meds. However, they are not all always necessary. It's one of the things that had driven our health care costs so high - unnecessary (or CYA) medical tests.
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