That is a very good point Gayle! She does schedule a lot of tests, but people around here say that she is doing that so she is covered. They feel that since she is not a doctor, but a Nurse Practitioner, she may have to practice CYA even more (???)
However, I saw her on Monday and she was very pleased with all the findings. I have a very healthy profile!
My blood tests show a rise in blood sugar and a big rise in triglycerides. I also have a little low something in kidney function. She wants me to continue eating the way I am now (low carbs, low fat), and I go back in 3 months for another blood test to see if high these levels are food related. She is very happy with the weight loss. I need to lose a few more.
She thinks the fatigue is from the way I was eating before, especially the carbs.
I really don't know much about that, but I have an open mind.
She said she purposely uses this particular cardiac group because they do not test unnecessarily for money. She did not understand the need for thallium, and said that since my heart tested okay, don 't worry about it. She said she probably would not have gone for a thallium stress test either.
It's interesting - Jessie went with me and got a whole different feeling about what the cardiologist said. According to her, the doctor said there is nothing to concern myself about with the heart., The stress test was just because my primary requested it, and she felt that he didn't think I need to come back in 6 months.
I'm so glad I took her! I will go back in 6 months though. It is my heart, not hers and I want to be certain.