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Old 05-28-2009, 03:28 AM   #11
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Steve is out of work for almost a year now! He is an electrician and times are bad. Up here, poverty is an issue anyway, so jobs are few and far between. Truth be told though, he had a job, about 60 miles away, a few months ago. He quit because it was too far and didn't pay enough. He's also 42 and cannot work as hard as is expected up here. In NYC, it seems they don't work as hard.

I do love my SIL, but he does this a lot. He sabotages himself and then blames the world. He has an issue, which may boil down to him not wanting to work, for whatever the reasons. Even if his issues are not just that, this is no time to leave a job. Now he is sorry he did that, and would not have done it if he knew what was going to happen, i.e. no work. It's so easy to say that you're sorry you did something!

I keep out of this whole issue.

He is only charging me for 1 day and 2 half days. He is fair, and does great work, BUT, he has not come at all this week.

So, I got a day and a half. He'll be back next week.

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