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Old 06-10-2009, 12:52 PM   #10
Donating 4WT Yakker
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I went down to the pool today. It was wonderful! I was the only one there, the water was lovely, and the view beautiful.

I had to leave after about 20 minutes! There were 4 or 5 flies who kept on and on and on landing on me.

I found these online. Do you think they would work? I'm going to try putting on
some lavender and sitting on my deck. The flies are like little vampires out there too.

  1. Clean out a small tin with a lid.
  2. Take a clean piece of cloth or a small piece of dish sponge able to fit into the container. Saturate it with one of the following oils (after it has been diluted appropriately, see Tips):
    • Lavender oil - lavender is considered to be particularly effective against flies[1]
    • Citronella oil (dilute with water first)[2]
    • Eucalyptus oil (dilute with water first)[3]
      Pennyroyal oil[/I] (dilute with water first)[4]
    • Peppermint oil (dilute with water first; likely more effective against mosquitoes but also considered to work against horse-flies[5])
    • Lemongrass oil (dilute with water first)[6]
  3. Place the cloth in the tin and shut the lid. Allow to sit for 24 hours.
  4. Use. Whenever you need to use the tin, remove the lid and place on the entertaining table. Make as many as you wish to put around the entertaining area to deter flies.
  5. Replenish the oil after each use; once open to the air, the strength weakens and needs to be topped up.


  • Wear gloves when handling the saturated cloth, especially if you are handling food and/or have skin sensitivities.
  • You can amplify the effect of the essential oils by using candles. Simply add a few drops of the chosen essential oil (or use different ones at different ends of the table) into the melted wax area of a burning candle. The odour will waft out as the candle burns.
  • If you are familiar with combining essential oils to produce scents, try a combination of the above suggested essential oils for a pleasant odour and possibly a more powerful fly repellant.
  • Note that lavender oil can be used freely without needing to dilute with water. Water dilution should follow the instructions accompanying the essential oil. Providing you do not wear the oil, dilution at a ratio of 1 part oil to 3 parts water will likely prove sufficient for most oils but know the properties of your oils before making assumptions. If you intend to wear any of these oils as a repellent, the advice here does not apply and you should seek information from the appropriate source.

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