Thread: Cell Phones
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Old 06-17-2009, 07:21 PM   #8
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I have both, and Blackberry Curve for work, and an IPhone for personal use. I LOVE MY IPHONE!!!!!!! I agree with Gayle, if anything happened to my IPhone, I too would pay full price if I had to to get another.

The BB is great for work. My e-mails come in as messages and I know as soon as I have a new e-mail and can dash off a reply or forward it wherever I need to. It's great for my over 1000 contacts that I have to manage and all of that, but it's too slow on the internet, and the screen is too small.

My IPhone is a life saver. I have one of the old originals. Hubby got it for me for Christmas a couple of years ago. A friend had one, and I thought it was really cool, but too extravagant, something that I did not need, but now that I have one, I'm hooked. Hubby has offered to upgrade me to one of the newer faster ones, but I'm fine with the one I have for now. I use Google maps all the time on it, and do check 4WT from time to time. It's sooooo handy for finding a phone number of a business or whatever you need online from anywhere, anytime. Some of the new apps are really cool, too.

Texting is MUCH easier on the IPhone than on the BB Curve. For me the touch screen keypad is much easier to type on.

So you wanted opinions, and probably got more than you wanted, but I do love the IPhone!!!!!
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