Originally Posted by HALEY
Diana, that was the most scariest thing i had to do in my lifetime!!!!
I know that it was scary for you to go through but the results are well worth it. We never like to have our kids go through stuff like that but we do it because we know that in the end they will be better.
Believe me, I've dealt with many trips to the ER for stitches. We've had several miscarriages, a couple of surgeries, and some other stuff that I'm not at liberty to talk about, and all of these within my own family. You're the Mom and you have to be there for your kids but it's not always easy. The worst I've dealt with was when my daughter almost bled to death after a miscarriage. I was the most scared that I've ever been.
I'm so glad that you're able to tell a difference in Micah's hearing. It really proves how much he needed the tubes in his ears.