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Old 07-22-2009, 07:12 AM   #1
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Opinions please!

I am moderately unhappy with my job. Although I've expressed my concerns to my boss about wanting to get more experience, it hasn't really happened. I am also concerned that my company may be going down. I know we are being sued by at least one other huge company and that our management has been told to lay off a lot of the staff at our office. We are losing money and don't have the staff to cover the jobs we have gotten, so it really doesn't make sense to lay off MORE people. I am not concerned that I will be laid off because I am very important to the office... besides Scott, I am the only one who knows how to run the program we use for drafting. And where Scott is concerned... they gave him a job in the drafting department, then told him to go home and use up all his banked time for a couple of months, and finally two days ago told him if he doesn't leave to go work at a mine up north tomorrow, they would fire him on the spot!

There is a job opening at the company my dad works for. It's a government job and it's a drafting job, but for electrical stuff. I'm not sure I'd enjoy the job itself any more than the job I have now, but my salary would be increased tremendously, the benefits are AWESOME, holidays are great, and I'd have every second Friday off. I'd also be part of a union. Sounds great right? The problem is it's just a full-time TEMPORARY job until December 31st.

I have wanted to work at that company for years... it's kind of a family thing! I grew up with it... my dad works there and all of his brothers work there, and now 3 of my cousins also work there. Not many of the jobs even make it out to the public because they try to fill all the jobs internally first. I feel like just maybe I should take the chance and try to get my foot in the door! When I'm in, I could bid on a permanent job if it came up. If they liked me enough (and I would work my butt off!) maybe they would even create a job for me to stay permanently.

Of course, if I end up having to leave on December 31st, it's really tough to find a job around here in my field in the winter. There is no construction, nobody is hiring.

What would you do if you were me? I know nobody can really make the decision for me but I just would like some input!

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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