I am sure that some of you have wondered where I have been. I know mom and Angie posted from time to time about me. I am now divorced. I did get evicted from my home because Damon had charges. (I lived in public housing.) After this my husband talked me into moving to dc closer to his parents where "jobs were better and the kids would get a better education." Well he moved into his parents home and went up there 20 days before I. He was to "find a place for us and get things ready" I had to come up without him having those things done. I drove up and the kids and I stayed in a hotel for 10 days. After the 10 days he told me that he was leaving me and was taking my youngest daughter to Florida to move in with a couple he had met online. Paniced and not knowing what else to do, I brought her back to TN where the kids church gave us a place to stay. He took me to court and won temporary custody because I was unemployed, had a temporary home, and he said the other children are a danger to Sydney. We got our divorce, but I am still fighting for my baby girl. He has just sent motions to the court requesting that I only see her twice a month and supervised by his parents for 4 hours each. He only wants to hurt me and collect the income taxes and child support for our daughter. I just have to prove this in court on the 15th. All of you thoughts being with Sydney, myself as well as the other three children during this would be greatly appectated. I miss you all. I am also on facebook andlog in there quite often for any who wish to add me. My name is now Traci Thomas. How do I change my name on 4wt? Anyone who knows the answer please post it for me. *hugs*