Diana, I can't imagine living where you can have two crops a year. The farmers here can only raise one. It's too hot to plant a second crop. They have to plant in February and March for a June/July harvest. Then they prepare their fields to lay fallow over the winter so they can plant the next year. Most farmers also have pasture land and run cattle which they take care of during the winter. This year, they had to feed all spring and summer, but on a normal year, while their planted crops are growing, they cut and bail their hay to feed to the cattle in the winter, so they stay busy all year even though they plant only one crop. They also plant more than one thing at a time usually so they spread out the harvest. Normal crops here are milo (also known as maize or grain sorgum has different names in different areas), corn, cotton and soybeans.
Sandy, hope you are having a beautiful wedding. It's not raining here today. Perhaps you got to stay outdoors???
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