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Old 10-20-2006, 06:20 AM   #1
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Angry Aim, Fire, Shoot!!!!!!!!!!

I had such a horrible day yesterday!!! I looked off my deck to see my horse Wild Flower stuck in the barbed wire fence lying there with two dogs on her. One is a Pit Bull, the other is a Chihuauha. In lightening fast speed I drove as fast as I could down the hill to free Wild Flower. The dogs were still there.

After the vet came out and sedated Wild Flower, fixed her wounds, gave shots, and then handed me the bill I told him I was going to personally shoot the dogs myself. These dogs belong to the neighbors right next to Wild Flower's pasture. I've had issues w/ them before making my other horse buck and try to charge me when ever I turn my back to them.

My husband and I talked to one of the dog owners yesterday and we told him flat out, "either you tie up these dogs or we will shoot them now!". We just spent $3000.00 on a horse not to mention $200.00 vet bill and we will not tolerate these dogs running her into the fence again EVER!!!". So, 3 hours later we went down to check on Wild Flower and the dogs were STILL not tied up.

This morning I am calling the sherrif's animal control to come take the dogs away. Once I tell the sherrif that the dogs are vicious they themselves will put down the dogs.

I have nothing against my neighbors, and I am myself a huge animal lover. But the line is crossed when dogs are vicious towards me or my beloved animals.

I felt so helpless yesterday holding my Wild Flower's head in my lap while she was sedated. Thank goodness the vet said that she will heal just fine. He said had one of the puncture wounds gone an inch over into this main artery he would have had to put her down.
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
When I grow up I want to be a horse whisperer!
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