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Old 10-20-2006, 12:48 PM   #7
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member
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WOW, what you have had to go through!! No wonder you wanted to vent!

What my hubby and I probably will end up doing is fencing off an area that sits on our own property for Wild Flower
That will probably be the best thing...that way you don't have to go the long route to get to WildFlower. I'd almost be afraid they would do something to Wildflower....I hope not and that they are not the type to do that.

Wayne told the neighbors that rent from him that they MUST get rid of the pit bull. Obviously Wayne is smart enough to realize the legality issues that he faces being he owns the property they rent from.
Smart man! Pitbulls can be good I guess, but I would never want to take the chance. So many generations of them now that have bad bloodlines in fighting. It's hard to know the good from the bad anymore. Just too scary.

It explained everything just fine. I just hope you can get an area fenced so WildFlower can be closer to you. You did all the right things in my opinion. I hope it doesn't leave WildFlower afraid in any way. What a horrible thing to go through.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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