Travel vs Doggies
I have a decision to make and it's tearing me up inside:
Hubby and I have pretty much realized that if we are ever able to retire, we probably won't be physically or mentally able to travel, so we want to start traveling (short local trips) now while we can.
That means, I need to find homes for my Yorkies. I haven't gotten too attached to the two girls my Sister gave me last year (Sweetee and Libbee). But, Yahtzee was my first, so I can't let her go. Then, Yankee is my little boy, so he's special. And, Fancee was my first puppy and she's my shadow. Of course, Tira (the ShihTzu) is my heart, so she's not even questioned.
What the heck do I do? I want to travel. I want to visit my family and friends while I can. Jeff has his farm going, so he can't live his animals to come visit us very often. He drove in for the wedding and drove back home. I can't drag 6 doggies everywhere I go. Laura has helped me (when she was available) and I've paid a couple of people to come care for them when my Mom was sick. I don't see the feasibility of putting them in a kennel everytime I want to make a trip.
My doggies are so therapeutic for me and they are so much entertainment and pleasure. This isn't a decision I'm making lightly. It has been on the burner since I broke my foot (almost two years ago) and couldn't care for them for almost five months.
There, I've posted it! Now, it's more of a reality to deal with.