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Old 09-16-2009, 08:22 AM   #4
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member
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Sandy...I understand completely. I have 6 also.....5 Yorkies and 1 Golden Retriever. I have seriously been thinking of not breeding anymore and downsizing, but it's so hard when I love them so much. Oh...I could easliy let Gidget go, but she's basically Ricky's, so I told Ricky when he moved out...she goes with him.

I want to go places without worrying about the dogs. I would really love to have a motorhome. Not one of those great big buses, but a nice med. size motorhome. I want to go visit Diana so bad, but it's going to be a while with all the other outside interference going on right now.

I'm so like you in the fact that I'm ready to do some short trips now while I still feel good. What are we to do? There is no way I could be without my little Joey and now Ozzie. I just love them sooooo much. Emilee has been here the longest and I would feel like I was abandoning her and Fancy...she's just so shy with other people...I don't want her feelings hurt.

I think I could take most of them with me if I just had a I just need to figure out how to afford one.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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